Friday, 25 April 2014

R for : Rain Rain come again...


R for:  Rain Rain Come Again…..!
Rain has many forms. Sometimes it magnifies the romance in our lives. For the farmers it brings the showers of hope and prosperity. It’s another name of life. But when the nature is upset with the ways we behave, it sends rain to teach us the lesson.
The poem is my prayer and might be of all those who experienced the wrath of nature.
It’s a prayer from all those who lost everything in the floods in Uttarakhand.

Rain rain come again                                                             
But never play such a game

 I know we broke the nature,s law                                        
 We have hurt her with our flaws

 I pray thee o rain! Tell your mother                                   
We won’t hurt her ever anymore

We’ve been good friends since childhood days                             
We danced together, we had our ways

 I was with you though my mother would scold                                
Be with me now let our story be told

 Tell her to calm down; pray to forgive 
We already have paid more than our due                                                                                                                   
Rain rain come again whenever you feel                                               
Come but with compassion and a serene will.


Amrit Sinha said...

This is a nice poem ... we can never control nature, but pray to it for our safety.

Just say yes said...

thanks a lot..

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