Wednesday, 2 April 2014


Today on the second day of a-to z-blogging challenge alphabet is B. B seems the best in the word 'book'. We all have love relationship with books.But For me books played many roles.

 A to Z 2014 Official Hosting Site

B for: Books for love and Love for Books.
                I will always remain grateful to books for being my best companions, teachers and the pain-reliever in my journey. I feel proud to admit that books have given and are giving me an incomparable joy. without them life would have been as boring as a twice told tail.
               My life took turns as the books have ignited the fire in me. I always wonder how the jugglery of 26 letters can have so much influence on you. I didn’t get the answer of this question till now and hence thirst of reading more books is growing day by day.
               My first love affair in life was with books and rest of my love affairs has a lot to do with books. Books have helped me like a close buddy who is always with us in good and bad days alike. Like such a diehard buddy, books helped me meeting with my soul-mate, Kavita. When I would think throughout the nights to find the reasons to have a talk with Kavita, books had become the bridge between us. We both have a strong common factor-‘the love for books’. As we had the different tastes and opinion about the readability of books, we would get a lot of space to argue about. The more arguments, the more time together. And the more time together, the more scope for the Cupid to cast the spell called ‘love’.
                   I would prefer autobiography, poetry and short stories on other hand Kavita would like to read the science fiction, historic books. 
                   As Kavita and I got closer to each-other the arguments disappeared like two opposite colors mingled into each-other to become one. But the love for books and for each-other is growing with each passing day.


Anonymous said...

I can appreciate your love for books. My husband and I love books too. Good luck with your A-Z!

Just say yes said...

thank you so much..have you participated in the challenge?

Just say yes said...

thank you so much...have you too participated in the challenge?

Rob Z Tobor said...

I am helping a bit backstage this year and would just like to say Good Luck on the A to Z., it can be hard work but a great way to meet other bloggers

Rob Z Tobor

Just to add you have word verification (CAPTCHA) activated which can put people off commenting, I would advise turning it off for the duration of the challenge

The Enchantress said...


Just say yes said...

thanks Rob...

Anonymous said...

Dude, Books brought heart together and now waiting for u and Kavita to co-pen a book on the story of life:)

Just say yes said...

sure vishal, we are waiting the in-laws to enter so that the story become more spicy...thanks

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